Acme United Price Target Raised Thanks to Outstanding Outlook

After already having achieved an outstanding first quarter, Acme United (ACU – $20.98) set a new all-time sales and earnings record in its second quarter, ended June 30, 2016. During that three months period, the Company posted a 21% increase in both sales and earnings compared with the second quarter of 2015. Record back-to-school sales, led by Westcott kid scissors […]

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Acme United Europe Confirms Significant Growth Potential for DMT Sharpeners

Last week, the European division of Acme United (ACU – 16.15) hosted booths at two major European trade shows. These were the initial events that Acme attended after its acquisition of Diamond Machining Technology (DMT) last month. The team learned that the diamond sharpening tools brand has plenty of growth opportunities, both in the number of market segments where the […]

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