Soltoro Silver Project Makes Waves in Mexico – Interview With CEO Andrew Thomson
Adding another insightful piece to our growing collection of interviews, we’ve recently talked with Mr. Andrew Thomson, President and CEO of Soltoro Ltd (SOL – $0.83).
In the interview, Mr. Thomson talks about the exciting activities in Jalisco State, Mexico, where the Company’s El Rayo silver project has been making waves. A discussion of the project’s resource as well as its potential to yield additional ounces helps give investors quality data and perspective on which to base rewarding decisions. A roundup of Soltoro’s other projects in Central and Southwestern Mexico is also included in the interview to provide a balanced picture of the firm’s assets and activities.
Mr. Thomson also describes Soltoro’s financing strategy and current position, and stresses that it remains relatively easy for a Company with a silver deposit that’s approaching the 60 million ounce level to raise additional money.
Soltoro’s management team is also introduced to listeners, as the executive describes the backgrounds of the Company’s key players and explains how Soltoro has developed an advantageous relationship with its partners and work force within Mexico.
The interview seeks out further information and insight for investors by asking the executive for his point of view on today’s commodities market and on his short and medium term expectations for silver. This interview is a useful starting point for anyone considering Soltoro and relevant for any investor with interest in the silver market.
Listen to our interview by clicking the play button on the media player or download the convenient transcript of the interview. We welcome your comments!
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