How Gatekeeper Systems is Establishing Itself as the Go To Company in the Smart Digital Video Market

Gatekeeper Systems (CA: GSI – $0.09 & US: GKPRF – $0.08 & GER: 1GK – €0.05) has a simple philosophy: It uses the latest in smart digital video technology to keep people safe and secure whether they are taking transit to work or riding a school bus to classes. Gatekeeper designs innovative, high-definition end-to-end video safety, and security solutions for mobile applications including, transit and school buses, light and heavy rail, ambulances, firetrucks, law enforcement vehicles, and airborne digital recording systems for military applications.

The Company has installed more than 100,000 cameras on school and transit buses and serves more than 3,500 customers all across North America.

Although mobile video equipment remains Gatekeeper’s core business, the Company is adding more focus on data analytics. Providing customers with access to live data and intelligent analytics will rapidly advance the adoption of smart city strategies and drive increased sales. Automated video analytics and self-diagnostics can greatly enhance the customers’ ability to quickly identify actionable events and initiate a response. Gatekeeper is actively exploring opportunities in video analytics applications that can provide facial recognition, people counting, detection of pot holes, automated ticketing of parking violations, and driver behavior monitoring.

Gatekeeper undertook a strategic makeover in fiscal 2018, to adjust and realign its business focus and model. The Company’s previous strategies did not generate the consistency, rapid growth, or profitability expected by its stakeholders. Consequently, it became necessary to develop new strategies and to approach the business from a fresh perspective.

Fiscal 2018 represented a transitional year that included adding bench strength to the existing team through new hires, developing and launching a new strategic plan with the Board of Directors, and focusing on market segments in which Gatekeeper products add the highest value. These changes have helped set the stage for a reinvigorated organization that is well positioned to take advantage of expanded market opportunities.

We reiterate our buy recommendation for Gatekeeper Systems with a price target of $0.28, which is 211% above today’s stock price.

Download the fourth quarter 2018 Gatekeeper Systems Company Report. Advice: BuyPrice Target: $0.69Latest Company Report (pdf)
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