Esperanza Resources Corporation – Initial Interview
Esperanza Resources Corporation (EPZ – $1.40) (Note: At the time when this interview was conducted, the name of the Company was Esperanza Silver Corporation) is an emerging precious metals producer committed to the development of its two late-stage gold projects: San Luis, a joint venture in Peru and the 100%-owned Cerro Jumil in Mexico.
With the expected continued rise in gold prices, it’s time to search for a solid and promising mining company. Esperanza Silver fits that description.
You can find out more about Esperanza Silver’s two advanced gold projects and its recently staked new exploration properties by listening to the interview.
1. I like Acme United because it’s fundamentally sound with over $63 million dollars in sales and $2.5 million dollars in earnings in 2010. At the same time I expect the Company to grow substantially over the next few years as it’s bringing incomparable (really!) cutting products to the market. Download your copy of the latest Company Report. |
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