Acme United’s Board Approves New Stock Repurchase Program And Dividend – Stock Reaches $10 Per Share

On Wednesday, Acme United Corporation (ACU – $10.00) announced excellent news when its Board of Directors approved a new stock repurchase program of up to 200,000 common shares. This new program goes on top of 49,335 shares that may still be repurchased under its previous program, which was announced in December of 2008. To get this in perspective, 249,335 shares […]

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Acme United and Swine Flu

You may wonder what Acme United (ACU – $8.00), a ruler and scissors company, has to do with swine flu? Well, Acme United has a division called PhysiciansCare, which offers a wide assortment of first aid kits, over-the-counter medicines, emergency and disaster kits, preparedness products and kit refills. One particular product being sold by PhysiciansCare, are N95 respirators, which are […]

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